Green Infrastructure Grant Program (GIGP)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When are Grant Applications due?
A: There is no due date for the grant application. Applicants can submit any date or time throughout the year.
Q: Can I submit an application for a sidewalk project?
A: DEP no longer accepts applications for projects in the sidewalk. Only applications that propose green infrastructure on non-city owned property will be accepted.
Q: Can I submit an application for more than one property on my block?
A: Only one property may be submitted in each application. Applications that propose green infrastructure on multiple properties (e.g. three green roofs owned by three different property owners on the same block) will not be accepted. Owners with multiple properties must submit separate applications for each property. However, if an applicant owns multiple immediately adjacent parcels and the green infrastructure proposal would manage runoff from all parcels, then the applicant may submit one application for the entire project including the multiple adjacent parcels.
Q: Do I have to submit site connection records for my property?
A: All applicants must submit existing certified site/house connection record information at the time of the application. Applicants must visit their local DEP Borough Water and Sewer Office and bring the address and Borough, Block and Lot (BBL) numbers to retrieve existing sewer connection information. If the local sewer office does not have the information, contact DEP at with the date, time, and the person you spoke to at the office.
Q: If awarded, how long do I have to construct my project?
A: Applicants should propose projects that can be built within 12 months of the Notice to Proceed. However, DEP may consider on a case-by-case basis longer construction timelines for projects that can demonstrate a clear construction timeline and reasonable justifications for a longer construction period.
Q: What is an appropriate cost for my project?
A: DEP will thoroughly review the design and other soft costs proposed, and will only reimburse for soft costs directly related to the proposed green infrastructure practice. DEP will not fund soft-costs (design, permitting, expediting, etc.) in excess of 20% of the hard-costs (construction, materials, and installation). Projects with soft costs closer to the industry standard (10% of construction costs) will be looked upon favorably. DEP will only fund projects that offer stormwater management benefits that are cost-effective and reasonable in comparison to the project costs, including all soft costs. Note that a cost effective project will manage not less than 1” of rainfall (the 90th percentile storm) for a reasonable cost. Projects that propose to manage 3, 4, 5 times or more than that are not going to be cost effective as they are fully utilized during less frequent rain events.
Q: What feasibility studies are required?
A: Green/Blue Roofs: Starting in 2014, applicants must submit a P.E. stamped structural analysis at the time of the application. This structural analysis must be performed by a structural engineer that verifies that the loading capacity of the roof is sufficient for the proposed rooftop project. While this may seem like a stringent requirement, by providing this information up front both DEP and the grantee can avoid wasted time and effort in pursuing a project that cannot be built. Infiltration Projects: While the results are not required as part of the application, applicants should be aware that, if awarded, geotechnical investigations must be conducted immediately. A NY State licensed P.E. stamped Geotechnical Report will be required within 90 days of the Award Letter for all infiltration projects. DEP will provide a standard Geotechnical Procedure that all grantees will be required to follow. Projects that do not show favorable results from soil borings and permeability tests will have funding rescinded.
Q: Are public school green roofs eligible for funding?
A: Public properties, including public school buildings, are not eligible for the grant, including public schools. Only projects that are on non-city owned property are eligible. DEP is pursuing green infrastructure retrofits to public property, such as schools and playgrounds, under its capital program.
Q: Can I propose a workforce development project or educational programs?
A: Yes, DEP encourages community partnerships in the grant program. However, DEP cannot fund any program costs, staffing, overhead, or other administrative costs related to these programs as they are not capitally eligible.
Q: What are the maintenance requirements for selected projects?
A: Applicants must include a maintenance plan that details maintenance tasks and activities for twenty (20) years. Maintenance costs are not eligible for grant funding, so applicants must detail how they will pay for maintenance activities. Note that all projects shall be required to execute a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant to ensure that the project will be kept in place and maintained for a period of at least twenty (20) years. This document is provided as part of the grant application and DEP strongly encourages potential applicants to review with their legal counsel PRIOR to submitting an application.
Q: How much should my project contribute in matching funds?
A: Matching funds are not required in the GI Grant Program but encouraged, particularly for expenses that DEP is not able to pay for such as education activities, outreach materials, fences, benches etc
Q: I would like to build a green roof on my property. I’ve read the Funding Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenant and have major issues with it. Can I negotiate these issues with DEP if my project is selected?
A: Grant Recipients should be prepared to the sign the Funding Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenant as-is. DEP cannot entertain changes or editions to either document. If you are not willing to sign the Funding Agreement or Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, you should not apply for the GI Grant Program.
Q: I am part of a non-profit that will be managing the project. Can grant funds cover part of my salary or our operations costs?
A: No. Grant funds can only be dispersed to third-party contractors. Operational costs are not capital eligible.
Q: Can project costs be provided up front?
A: No. The GI Grant Program is a reimbursement program. After the final designs have been reviewed and accepted (2-3 months depending on complexity) and the Funding Agreement has been executed and registered (6-8 weeks), DEP will issue a Notice to Proceed to Grantees. Upon receiving the Notice to Proceed, Grantees can begin issuing monthly invoices (for design, labor material and construction costs) to DEP. It usually takes 30-40 days to receive the reimbursement.
Q: Are grant funds taxable?
A: The grant funds may be taxable. If selected, it is up to the grantees and their advisors to make that determination.